@article{UNY24991, title = {THE EFFECTIVE OF THE PRINCIPAL?S AND SUPERVISOR?S WORK ON THE MOTIVATION OF TEACHERS OF SD IN UPTD SUB DISTRICT TEMANGGUNG}, publisher = {Pascasarjana UNY}, author = {Agus Widi Sucahyo}, journal = {International Conference on Fundamentals and Implementation of Education (ICFIE) 2014}, year = {2014}, url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/24991/}, abstract = {Teacher?s motivation is one factor in improving the performance of SD teacher.The problems in the study were : (1) Is there a positive and significant effect of the principal supervision on the motivation of teachers of SD in UPTD Sub District Temanggung, (2) Is there a positive and significant effect of the principal supervision on the motivation of teacher motivation. The study results as follows (1) There is a positive and significant on the performance of the teachers SD (2) There is a significant positive effect of motivation on the performance of the teachers SD, (3) There is apositive and significant effect supervision on the of the teachers. Teacher achievement increased significantly in the first and second cycle.It passes the effectiveness indikator which stated that at least 75 \% teachers could get 75 ( very good). Thus,it is supervision and motivation types of effective can be investigated empirically for further researches in different designs. This study includes a comparative study aimed at investigating the causal relationship that is used is because akibat.Metode .Where survey research by taking sempel of the population and use koesioner as the principal means of data collection. Location Research is UPTD Temanggung the principal and elementary school teachers. Keywords : effectiveness, principal supervision,work motivation, performance.} }