%T SUPPORTING PHYSICS STUDENT LEARNING WITH WEB-BASED ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING. %I Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta %D 2014 %J Seminar Nasional dan Temu Alumni "Peran Pendidikan dalam Pembangunan Karakter Bangsa" %L UNY24939 %A S Kusairi %A Sujito %X Quasi-experimental research has been conducted to determine the effectiveness of the model of WEB-based Assessment for Learning (AFL). Research with posttest only control group design involves 113 freshmen at the UM Department of Physics as the study sample. All groups get the same syllabus and teaching materials. Controlled group got traditionally assessment, home work on problem solving. Experimental group could access umeac.com, the website that prepared to hold the WEB-based AFL. AFL activity for this group are as follows. 1. Working preflight before the first face-to-face in a week. 2 Working selftest and discussion forums after the first meeting in every week. 3 Work on self-assessment and formative tests after the second meeting in every week. The results showed that WEB-based AFL was effective to improve the mastery of basic concepts of physics. Keywords: assessment for learning, WEB-based, concept mastery of physics