%0 Journal Article
%@ 978-602-96172-6-9
%A Noveliza R. Th. Tepy, B. Sc, S. Pd
%A Sabeth Nuryana, S.Pd
%A Putri, Adri
%A Wiwiek Endah, Natalwati
%A Rivando Eguino, Saimima
%D 2014
%F UNY:24923
%I Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
%J Seminar Nasional dan Temu Alumni "Peran Pendidikan dalam Pembangunan Karakter Bangsa"
%K Authentic Assessment, Portfolio, SLC (Students Led Conference), Improving  Teaching Quality
%U http://eprints.uny.ac.id/24923/
%X Background of this paper based on researchers concern against a challenge in the  world of education ahead of the 21st century. Researchers realize that to enter the 21st  century, teachers must improve the quality of their teaching in implementing the curriculum  in class. Currently, Indonesia has implemented use curriculum 2013. The curriculum 2013  use scientific approach rendering accompanied by some new change in Indonesia curriculum  system. One of the things the form of renewal is in applying assessment to the students.  Assessment is one of the most important part in the success of students and teachers. Hence,  this study aims to describe and review research in implementing the model of authentic  assessment to improve the teachers teaching quality at Papua Harapan School through  portfolio and SLC (Students Led Conference). Through this study, researchers want to review  of what the models authentic assessment which has been implemented in Papua Harapan  School. The authentic assessment through portfolio and SLC (Students Led Conference) that  is not focus only on the final result but rather than, assessment based on the learning process  that has been traversed by the students. Based on the review of research obtained that  authentic assessment able to improve the teaching quality of teachers. Teachers can make the  authentic assessment as a result of achievement reflection of the learning objective so as to  the teaching quality of teachers could be improved through the result of authentic  assessment.