relation: title: AUTHENTIC ASSESSMENT DETERMINANT IN ISLAMIC RELIGION EDUCATION EXECUTION TOWARDS COGNIZANCE QUALITY HAVES A RELIGION IN STUDENT AT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AND MADRASAH IBTIDAIYAH AT KUDUS REGENCY creator: Dr. H. Masrukhin, S.Ag., M.Pd. subject: ICERE 2014 description: This research aims to detect, describe, and predict about determinant variables about performance assessment or authentic assessment in Islamic religion education execution towards cognizance quality haves a religion in student at elementary school (SD) and Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) at Kudus regency. This research uses to approach multivariate with research kind ex post facto. The research sample teacher and student from six at elementary school (SD) and Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) at Kudus regency, sample taking is done with stratified random sampling data collecting by using questioner and problem check list student in haves a religion. Data analysis technique that is: (1) descriptive statistics analysis technique, (2) double correlation analysis technique, (3) analysis technique variance (ANOVA) and (4) double regression analysis technique. The research finding that is: (1) in general difficulty level haves a religion student at education stage base SD higher than at MI. (2) found which are positive connection and significant between teacher factor (X1), student factor (X2), curriculum factor (X3), and environment factor (X4) towards authentic assessment determinant in Islamic religion education execution (Y1) and towards cognizance quality haves a religion (Y2) in student at SD and MI at Kudus regency. The correlation result delivers free variable and bound that is X1 (r = 0,989), X2 (r = 0, 983), X3 (r = 0, 967), X4 (r = 0,957), and Y1 towards Y2 (0,947). R square found X1 and Y1 as big as 97,8%, X2 and Y2 as big as 96.6%, X3 and Y1 as big as 93,6% and X4 and Y1 as big as 91,0%, Y1 and Y2 as big 89,7%, while for hypothesis testing with ANOVA found significant F Change for all count as big as 0,000. Ha accepted and H0 averse, so that this watchfulness result can valid for population. Regression line similarity that is Ý2 = a + b1Y1, from calculation is found Ý2 = - 0,737 + 0,473. publisher: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta date: 2014 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Dr. H. Masrukhin, S.Ag., M.Pd. (2014) AUTHENTIC ASSESSMENT DETERMINANT IN ISLAMIC RELIGION EDUCATION EXECUTION TOWARDS COGNIZANCE QUALITY HAVES A RELIGION IN STUDENT AT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AND MADRASAH IBTIDAIYAH AT KUDUS REGENCY. Seminar Nasional dan Temu Alumni "Peran Pendidikan dalam Pembangunan Karakter Bangsa". ISSN 978-602-96172-6-9 relation: