@article{UNY24911, author = {Haryandi Surya}, title = {DEVELOP MODEL TASC TO IMPROVE HIGHER ORDER THINKING SKILLS IN CREATIVE TEACHING}, journal = {Seminar Nasional dan Temu Alumni "Peran Pendidikan dalam Pembangunan Karakter Bangsa"}, publisher = {Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta}, year = {2014}, keywords = {higher order thinking skills, TASC model, development model type 4-D}, url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/24911/}, abstract = {The new curriculum requires learning paradigm transformation, from the monotonous and conventional learning (teacher centered) into active learning (student centered), innovative, creative, and requires transformation from lower order thinking skills into higher order thinking skills. Higher order thinking skills are part of 21st century skills. One alternative to improve higher order thinking skills is to develop a learning model TASC (Thinking Actively in a Social Context) that can be applied by teachers for senior years students to improve higher order thinking skills. Actually, TASC is a commonly used model for early years students in social and language subjects. The latest survey conducted by Belle Wallace in 2007 showed more than 10,000 classes in the UK have used the TASC to improve the ability of problem solving and thinking skills of students. This research is focussing to develop model of TASC using development model 4-D type, which begins with a needs assessment in several high schools in Yogyakarta. This research will conducted in January 2015 through February 2015. Based on the results of the needs assessment then developed the new breakthroughs model of TASC in science subjects for senior years students that believed can increase the higher order thinking skills in creative teaching.} }