@article{UNY23203, publisher = {Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences Yogyakarta State University}, title = {DEVELOPING STUDENT?S INTEREST IN MATHEMATICS LEARNING THROUGH COLLABORATIVE PROBLEM BASED LEARNING MODEL}, journal = {Proceeding of International Conference On Research, Implementation And Education Of Mathematics And Sciences 2015 (ICRIEMS 2015), Yogyakarta State University, 17-19 May 2015}, year = {2015}, author = {Purwanto Tri and Abadi Agus Maman}, abstract = {There are something principal to push pupils to learn. One of these is interest. The teacher must be agent to develop the student?s interest to learn in mathematics. Collaborative problem based learning model can be optioned to improve the student?s interest. Collaborative problem based learning is the combine of problem based learning approach which is done collaboratively. Starting point with a problem in real world, Collaborative problem based learning can do with structure: ((1) given problem to solve/formulate individually; (2) students share their answer to their group; (3) students listen carefully their partners answer in group, they can discuss their answer by note similarities and differences in discuss paper; (4) after discussing, they solve the problem individually by creating a new answer that incorporates the best idea and students have a chance to presents their answer in front of class. The main purpose of this paper is to investigate about student?s interest and how to develop it through a collaborative problem based learning model. Keyword: Interest, collaborative problem based learning}, url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/23203/} }