%K speaking ability, fishbowl, SD %A Swamida Mannik Aji %X The objective of this research is aimed at finding out the improvement of students’ speaking ability in a mixed-ability class through fishbowl for 5B students of SDN Maguwoharjo 1. This is an action research study proposed by Kemmis and McTaggart. There are four stages in conducting this research. Those are reconnaissance, planning, conducting action, observation, and reflection. The participants of the research are the researcher, the English teacher, another collaborator, and the 5B students. The research is conducted in two cycles. The data of the research are in the form of qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative data are obtained from the results of classroom observation and collaborators’ discussion. Quantitative data are obtained from pre-test and post test results. The data are obtained from observation during teaching and learning processes, interview with the English teacher and another collaborator, speaking rubric, and photographs. The result of the two cycles shows that the use of the fishbowl technique is effective to improve students’ speaking ability in a mixed-ability class. It is supported by the qualitative data that (1) the fishbowl technique can help the teacher to offer equal position in speaking practices; (2) The rules of the fishbowl technique which asks the students to compete each other in changing position can maintain the students’ motivation during the learning process; (3) The fishbowl technique can help the teacher to minimize a gap between low-level students and high-level students. The finding is also supported by the quantitative data. Scores of the students’ speaking performance are improved in four aspects. Students’ grammatical accuracy improved from 9.5 to 14.7. Students’ vocabulary improved from 10.6 to 15. Students’ pronunciation improved from 10.1 to 14.4 and students’ fluency improved from 10.8 to 15.4. %L UNY22763 %T IMPROVING STUDENTS’ SPEAKING ABILITY IN A MIXED-ABILITY CLASS THROUGH FISHBOWL TECHNIQUE FOR 5B STUDENTS OF SDN MAGUWOHARJO 1 %D 2013 %I Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta