%A Dwi Susanti %X Man in her life had some important events in his life, namely: birth, marriage, and death. Ceremony to commemorate the tradition prevailing in the local community to hold the event is a celebration. The neighbors came to help with no strings attached to help smooth the process is a form of celebration is a tradition "rewangan" which lately have signs of a shift. The purpose of this study is to describe the cause of the shift in the tradition of "rewangan" and describe the impact of a shift in the tradition of "rewangan" in the community in the Ngirengireng Panggungharjo Sewon Bantul. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach with the primary data source consists of: a celebration of the owner, neighbors who participated in the celebration, community leaders, youth, owner and chef catering services. Researchers also use secondary data sources obtained through the documentation and study of literature with the help of books and journals relevant. Data collection techniques used were interviews, observation, and documentation. Sampling technique used was purposive sampling. The validity of the data in this study using the technique of triangulation of sources, while data analysis using interactive analysis of Miles and Huberman. The results of this study is the shift in the tradition of "rewangan" caused by the influence of material and immaterial factors. Factor material based on the factors who visible are physically and factor immaterial is the factor which hidden. Both these factors affect each other. The material consists of: the presence of a catering service, chef service presence, the presence of goods rental package needs a celebration, festivity traditional packaging change, the existence of a textile factory PT.Samitex. Immaterial factors are: interest on practicality, the attitude of young people who are less enthusiastic about the tradition of "rewangan", a celebration of the owner's reluctance to bother the neighbors (pakewuh), a high confidence of a catering service and a cook. Impacts resulting from the shift in the tradition of "rewangan" are: reduction in the intensity of public interaction, typical of rural properties shifted towards individualistic, disruption of the transfer process (learning), will be the depletion of social sanctions and the decreasing availability of experts in the Ngireng-ireng. Keywords: tradition "rewangan", Ngireng-ireng, %L UNY22665 %D 2012 %I Fakultas Ilmu Sosial %T TRADITION "REWANGAN": STUDY OF CONCERNING THE SHIFT THE TRADITION "REWANGAN" IN THE NGIRENG-IRENG PANGGUNGHARJO SEWON BANTUL