@phdthesis{UNY21171, author = {Mardhianto Surahmad}, title = {TEXTUAL MEANING BREADTH VARIATION OF THE ADVENTURES OF TIN TIN: THE SECRET OF THE UNICORN MOVIE TEXT AND ITS BAHASA INDONESIA SUBTITLING MOVIE TEXT}, month = {March}, year = {2013}, school = {Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta}, abstract = {This research is aimed to (1) describe the textual meaning breadth variation in The Adventures of Tin tin : The Secret of the Unicorn movie text and its Bahasa Indonesia subtitling movie text represented in thematic variation and (2) explain the contextual factors those motivate the occurrence of the textual meaning breadth variation in those two texts. This research used a descriptive qualitative design. The data were an English movie text entitled The Adventures of Tin Tin : The Secret of the Unicorn and its Bahasa Indonesia subtitles. Meanwhile, the main research instrument was the researcher himself. The secondary instrument was the data sheet which was used to collect and place the data. The trustworthiness of the data analysis was done by using investigator triangulation, perseverance observation, and discussion with colleagues, doing thick description, and auditing technique. The findings of the research show that the global overall variation of the textual meaning breadth of both texts is in the very low degree of variation. It is supported by the findings of the most prominent category of the variation degree which is in the lowest degree of variation with percentage 69\%. The occurrence of the variation is motivated by the contextual motivating factors, i.e. intrinsic and extrinsic motivating factors. The intrinsic factors are the intra-textual contexts i.e. both texts: express many simple clauses, are in dialogue form and appear in the same duration. Meanwhile, the extrinsic factors are the inter-textual context and the situational context (fields, tenors, modes. The fields of Text 1 and Text 2 are same i.e. the story of the movie The Adventures of Tin tin : The Secret of the Unicorn. The tenors of Text 1 are Steven Moffat, Edgar Wright, and Joe Cornish as the writers of the story, the characters of the movie and the English audiences. The tenors of Text 2 are the movie subtitler/translator and the Indonesian audiences. The modes of Text 1 and Text 2 are nearly the same, i.e. the roles of language are constitutive, the types of interaction are dialogic, the medium are spoken and the rhetorical thrusts are to entertain the audiences. The channel of Text 1 is phonic whereas the channel of Text 2 is graphic.}, keywords = {textual meaning breadth variation, the adventures of tin}, url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/21171/} }