@phdthesis{UNY21161, month = {February}, title = {THE PROCESS OF BECOMING A LESBIAN AND ITS CONSEQUENCES AS EXPERIENCED BY HOLLAND JAEGER IN JULIE ANNE PETERS? KEEPING YOU A SECRET}, author = {Hernita Oktarini}, school = {Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta}, year = {2012}, url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/21161/}, keywords = {keepiny you a secret, the process of becoming a lesbian}, abstract = {The objectives of this research are to explain the stages of lesbian identity development process experienced by Holland Jaeger and the consequences she has to deal as a lesbian. The researcher uses lesbian feminism and some supporting theories to answer the formulated research questions. The method used in this research is qualitative content analysis. The subject of this research is a novel entitled Keeping You a Secret by Julie Anne Peters. The data were some phrases, clauses, and sentences related to Holland?s lesbian identity development and the consequences she has to deal as a lesbian. The key instrument of this research is the researcher herself employing the lesbian identity formation theory by Vivienne C. Cass and the consequences indicators as explained in the analytical construct. Lesbian feminism theory, which focuses on lesbians? sexuality, identity and community, is used as the grand theory for the analyses. The indicators made are based on the employed theory to gain the research data. To gain the trustworthiness, the researcher used data triangulation technique by crosschecking the data with her consultants and other researchers. The findings of the research show the process of becoming a lesbian experienced by Holland by examining the stages of lesbian identity development and the consequences which follow it. It covers the six stages of lesbian identity development process; those are confusion stage, comparison stage, tolerance stage, acceptance stage, pride stage and synthesis stage. The analysis of confusion and comparison stages is significant in presenting the dilemma experienced by Holland in becoming a lesbian. The other stages show the problematic situation Holland faces in dealing with the society. The consequences of becoming a lesbian cover the experiences of being the target of homophobic reactions, being rejected, being discriminated, being the victim of violence and being alienated. Those consequences signify the rejection of the society of her becoming a lesbian due to the patriarchal system in the society. The analysis of those difficult situations Holland faces in becoming a lesbian provide useful information for people in dealing with the lesbian phenomenon on the society.} }