@phdthesis{UNY21114, school = {Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta}, year = {2013}, month = {September}, author = {Mifta Hasmi}, title = {A PRAGMATIC ANALYSIS OF POLITENESS STRATEGIES REFLECTED IN NANNY MCPHEE MOVIE}, url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/21114/}, keywords = {pragmatic, politeness strategies, family discourse, Nanny McPhee}, abstract = {This research is a pragmatic study on politeness strategies employed by the main characters in Nanny McPhee movie in the context of family discourse. The objectives of this research are (1) to identify the types of politeness strategies employed by the main characters in Nanny McPhee movie and (2) to describe the way politeness strategies are realized in the utterances employed by the main characters in Nanny McPhee movie. This research used descriptive qualitative approach. The key instrument of the research was the researcher herself. The data were in the form of utterances which contain politeness strategies. The data source was Nanny McPhee movie script. The data were collected by note-taking technique then they were classified and analyzed. The trustworthiness was attained by using credibility through two kinds of triangulation: by observers and theories. The results of the research show two important points. First, there are four types of politeness strategies employed by the main characters in Nanny McPhee movie when having conversation with the children: Bald-on record strategy (31 out of 104), Positive politeness strategy (46), Negative politeness strategy (15), and Off record strategy (12). Positive politeness strategy has the highest frequency among other strategies since the dialogues are among family members who have a close relationship and know each other very well. Second, in realizing those politeness strategies, the main characters utilize their own sub-strategies: Bald-on record is realized by showing disagreement (5 out of 104), giving suggestion/advice (4), requesting (4), warning/threatening (11), and using imperative form (7); Positive politeness by claiming common ground (25), conveying that S and H are cooperators (17), and fulfilling H?s wants for some X (4); Negative politeness by being indirect (2), not presuming/assuming (3), not coercing H (4), communicating S?s want to not impinge on H (4), and redressing other wants of H?s (2); and Off-record by inviting conversational implicature (8) and being vague or ambiguous (4). Among all substrategies, claiming common ground is the most frequent strategy as the main characters need to share common ground with the children.} }