%0 Thesis %9 S1 %A Prastitasari, Destyana %B Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris %D 2013 %F UNY:21100 %I Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta %K sociolinguistics, syntactic variations, African American Vernacular English (AAVE), Hustle & Flow %T SYNTACTIC VARIATIONS OF AFRICAN-AMERICAN VERNACULAR ENGLISH (AAVE) EMPLOYED BY THE MAIN CHARACTER IN HUSTLE & FLOW %U http://eprints.uny.ac.id/21100/ %X This research is aimed at (1) identifying the types of syntactic variations that are employed by the main character in Hustle & Flow movie and (2) classifying the functions of using certain syntactic variations of AAVE in Hustle & Flow. This research used a descriptive qualitative method. The object of this research was the main character’s utterances in Hustle & Flow movie. The data were in the form of utterances that were analyzed using Chaika’s classification of markers of syntactic variations of AAVE and Holmes’ classification of speech functions of language phenomena in society. The researcher was the main instrument in this research. The data sheets were the secondary instrument. The data analyses of this research were based on the classification of markers of syntactic variations of AAVE found in the utterances of the main character in Hustle & Flow. The sources of the data in this research were Hustle & Flow movie and the movie script of Hustle & Flow. The trustworthiness of the data was gained through triangulation by checking the data, the theories, and the method by the help of two consultants and two linguistics students as triangulators and peer reviewers. The results show that: first, related to the types of syntactic variations of AAVE, the main character in Hustle & Flow, DJay, employs five markers. They are verb inflection (deletion of ‘to be’, misuse of form of verb, gonna, misuse of go copula, singular or plural form of y’all), irregular verb (misuse of irregular verb in the past participle form), double negative form (use of combination of ain’t and other negations, a negation and no, a negation and none, ain’t and nothing in a negative sentence), negative form (use of ain’t, misuse of neither form, error construction of the negative form), and preposition (misuse of prepositions with, at, and in in the context of speech). Second, there are five functions of syntactic variations of AAVE found in DJay’s utterances. They are (1) expressive, (2) directive, (3) phatic, (4) referential, and (5) poetic functions. Regarding the objectives of this research, they can be inferred that the native speakers of AAVE have unique characteristics in the way they communicate with others using their vernacular language (AAVE).