@phdthesis{UNY20020, school = {UNY}, title = {An assessment of students` portfolios of writing in the English language subject at Kolombo High School of Sleman, Yogyakarta}, year = {2015}, month = {April}, author = {Hadjirah Raveloarinirina}, abstract = {The objectives of this study are: (1) to describe the students` portfolios of writing in the English language subject, and (2) to describe quality of the students` portfolios of writing in the English language subject of Kolombo High School of Sleman, Yogyakarta. To achieve these aims, some information of portfolio including concepts, functions and purposes, its Assessment process, its strengths and weaknesses was presented. Also, portfolio assessment method is compared with the standardized test in terms of different aspects. Further, to exploit portfolio assessment method effectively in English teaching some suggestions were made. This study used a qualitative approach with a descriptive analysis. The datawere collected throughobservations, interviews, andfield notes. Researcher also has performed data analysisby enriching information, andfindingthe patternon the basis ofthe original data. The results ofdata analysisin the form ofpresentationof the situationunder studyarepresentedin the form ofa narrativedescription. The result of the research show that the assessment of students` Portfolios of writing in English language subject was not appropriately conducted as the assessment process recommended by the experts due to the limitation of the teacher`s understanding of the assessment criteria, and the analysis of the data collected indicates that the lacks of the students` competences in elaborating the portfolio tasks were due to the limitation of grammar mastery and lacks of vocabulary. Nevertheless, the students of Kolombo High School Sleman, Yogyakarta have improved their writing skills through the drills in elaborating portfolio from time to time}, keywords = {portfolio assessment, writing method, English language}, url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/20020/} }