@phdthesis{UNY19865, month = {February}, author = {Yogi Endarweni}, title = {IMPLEMENTING THE SHOW AND TELL TECHNIQUE TO IMPROVE THE SPEAKING SKILL OF GRADE VIII STUDENTS AT SMP PEMBAHARUAN PURWOREJO}, school = {Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta}, year = {2014}, keywords = {speaking skills, show and tell, SMP}, abstract = {This study was aimed at improving the speakingability for Grade VIII students of SMP Pembaharuan Purworejo. Based on the preliminary observations, interviews, and questionnaire, it was found out that the speaking learning process was poor. The students had limited chance to practise speaking. And the student?s speaking ability was poor. Principally, the speaking learning process was not well conducted. This action research was done collaboratively with the English teacher by focusing on the implementation of Show and Tell technique to deal with the problems of teaching and learning of speaking. This study was analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively in nature. The quantitative data were the students? scores. The qualitative data of this study were obtained by observing the teaching-learning process during the implementation of the actions. The action was implementing the Show and Tell technique in speaking learning process. Some interviews with the students and some discussions with the teacher were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the actions. Questionnaire was also used to find out the improvement of the student?s speaking learning process after the implementation of the actions. The data were in the form of field notes, interview transcripts, and the results and the analysis of the questionnaire. The data validity was obtained by applying process, outcome, and democratic validity. The result of this study shows that the implementation of the Show and Tell technique was effective to improve the student?s speaking ability. It could be seen from the students? interest, motivation, and active participation in joining the speaking learning process. Besides, the student?s speaking test also improved. It could be seen in the result of the pre-test which was done before the action, and post-test which was done in the end of the action. From the evidences, it could be conclude that Implementing Show and Tell technique could improve the speaking ability in English teaching and learning process for grade VIII students of SMP Pembaharuan Purworejo.}, url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/19865/} }