%I Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta %D 2013 %T TEXTUAL MEANING BREADTH VARIATION OF K. RICHARDS’ BELLE: THE MYSTERIOUS MESSAGE AND R. BUNTARAN’S BELLE: PESAN MISTERIUS TEXTS %L UNY19421 %X This study is aimed at (1) describing the textual meaning breadth variation represented in K. Richards’ Belle the Mysterious Message and R. Buntaran’s Belle Pesan Misterius texts and describing the most prominent category of textual meaning breadth variation, (2) describing which text is in a higher degree in its textual meaning breadth, and (3) explaining the contextual factors that motivate the occurrence of textual meaning breadth. This is a descriptive-qualitative study. The data were the entire clause units of K. Richards’ Belle: the Mysterious Message and R. Buntaran’s Belle: Pesan Misterius. The main instrument of this research was the researcher herself. Meanwhile, the secondary instrument was the data sheet. To achieve the trustworthiness of the data, the researcher used the theory and triangulations. The findings show that the global overall variation of the textual meaning breadth lies in the degree of variation “1” or “very low” degree of variation which means there is no significant difference between Source Text and Target Text. In this, it can be said that the English Text and the Bahasa Indonesia Text are highly equivalent in terms of the textual meaning breadth. This result is supported by the finding on the most prominent category or the highest occurrence of textual meaning breadth. From 926 contrastive clause units there are 648 contrastive clause units which have the same thematic variation which make the higher degree lie in the same degree. Thus, both texts are mostly equal in their higher degree of textual meaning breadth since most of the data have the same thematic variation. The contextual motivating factors that motivate the textual meaning breadth variation are the inter-textual context and the situational context. ST is the inter-textual context of TT because TT is influenced by ST. Meanwhile, the situational context is divided into field, tenor, and mode. The field of ST is K. Richards’ Belle: the Mysterious Message text. Meanwhile, the field of TT is R. Buntaran’s Belle: Pesan Misterius text. The tenors of ST are the novel writer and people in the world as the readers. Meanwhile, in TT, the tenors are the translator of the novel and people in Indonesia as the readers. The mode of ST and TT is the same. They are using informal language as in daily conversation. %K meaning breadth variation, belle: the mysterious message, %A Rosita Anjas Irani