%T PERKEMBANGAN PRESTASI BELAJAR SISWA SMK N 3 YOGYAKARTA BIDANG KEAHLIAN BANGUNAN SEBELUM DAN SESUDAH SERTIFIKASI GURU (TAHUN AJARAN 2005-2010 %I UNY %D 2015 %L UNY19212 %A Fajri Dhiya’ul %X This study outlines, aims to understand the development of student achievement SMK N 3 Yogyakarta area of expertise building before and after the certification of teachers of the school year 2005-2010. Specifically, this study also seeks to identify the developmental competency of teachers in building expertise SMK N 3 Yogyakarta along with the implementation of the teacher certification program organized government. This study is a quantitative descriptive research. In this study sample will be deducted from the student of SMK N 3 Yogyakarta areas of building expertise in the academic year 2005-2010. Data collection using the method documentation in the form of a data value rapport/results student school year 2005-2010. Analysis of the development of student achievement in terms of learning outcomes in one eye training, learning on the combined results of training the eye, and in terms of teacher certification passing score. Data analysis techniques using quantitative descriptive analysis of the figures presented in the form of tables, graphs and pie charts. The results (1) in terms of one eye on the teacher's training certification, in 2005 (6.539), 2006 (7.136), 2007 (7.528), 2008 (7.318), 2009 (7.328), 2010 (7.217). In the teacher has not been certified, in 2005 (6.886), 2006 (6.774), 2007 (7.202), 2008 (7.162), 2009 (7.364), 2010 (7.143). (2) in terms of combined eye on the teacher's training certification, in 2005 (6.783), 2006 (7.002), 2007 (7.401), 2008 (7.332), 2009 (7.656), 2010 (7.211). In the teacher has not been certified, in 2005 (6.586), 2006 (6.868), 2007 (7.202), 2008 (7.216), 2009 (7.306), 2010 (7.107). (3) in terms of graduation teacher certification, graduation interval 650- 799 (7.299), 800-949 (7.180), 950-1099 (7.524), 1100-1249 (7218). Key words: learning achievement, certified teachers