@phdthesis{UNY19157, title = {DEVELOPING ENGLISH LEARNING MATERIALS FOR THE TENTH GRADE STUDENTS OF BOGA DEPARTMENT AT SMKN 4 YOGYAKARTA}, author = {Etika Putri Istiqomah}, month = {February}, year = {2014}, school = {Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta}, keywords = {english learning materials, boga, smk n 4 yogyakarta}, abstract = {The objectives of this study are: (1) to find out English materials needed by the Tenth Grade students of Boga Department at SMKN 4 Yogyakarta, (2) to develop English learning materials for the Tenth Grade students of Boga Department. This study was a research and development (R \& D) study. The stages were conducting a needs analysis, writing the course grid, writing the materials, reviewing the materials by experts, revising the materials, and writing the final draft of the materials. The subjects of the research were 31 Grade X students of Boga. The data of this study were quantitative obtained from questionnaires and qualitative obtained from observation and interview. Based on the results of the needs analysis, the developed materials cover the four language skill tasks, explanation of language function and language focus, and vocabulary and grammar tasks. There are four units developed based on the SK/KD SMK of Grade X in the second semester. The first unit is entitled ?I am Cooking In the Kitchen.? taken from the fifth KD (expressing present continuous activities), the second unit is entitled ?Keep Clean!? taken from the sixth KD (comprehending memos, simple menus, schedules of public transportation and traffic signs.), the seventh unit is entitled ?I Prefer Tea to Coffee.? taken from the third KD (comprehending words and foreign technical terms as well as simple sentences based on formula), and the fourth unit is entitled ?Can You Come to My Cooking Party? taken from the eighth KD (writing simple invitation). Each unit has 16-18 tasks and each task consists of six components of a task; goal, input, procedure, setting, teacher role, and learner role. The inputs are video clips, recording, texts and pictures; the procedures are answering questions, doing role-plays, writing articles, etc; the settings are individual, pairs, and group works; the teacher roles are facilitator, model, organizer, and observer; and the learner roles are participants and doers.?}, url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/19157/} }