%0 Journal Article %A Dionysius, Dwi Noviantoro %A Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Mesin, %F UNY:19040 %J E-Jurnal Pendidikan Teknik Mesin %N 4 %T CONTEXTUAL LEARNING MODEL APLICATION ON ENGINEERING DRAWING SUBJECT AT SMK PIRI 1 YOGYAKARTA %U http://eprints.uny.ac.id/19040/ %V 2 %X Abstract This study goal was to increase activity and student achievement in the Engineering Drawing subjects using CTL (Contextual Teaching And Learning) learning model. The subjects of this class action research were 23 students of XI grade of mechanical engineering department SMK 1 PIRI Yogyakarta. Data were collected using observation, achievement test, and documentation. Students activities data were obtained by observations, while learning achievement gained through test. Data then were analyzed to be compared in every end of the cycle. The research result shows that there was an increase in activities and student achievement. Activity percentage increased on first, second and third cycle was 60.87, 76.09 and 86.41% respectively. Furthermore, academic achievement increase proved by increase on the test average result of first, second and third cycle was 56.52, 63.04 and 73.04 respectively. Keywords: CTL (Contextual Teaching And Learning), Engineering Drawings, Student Activity and Achievement