%T THE RELATIONSHIP OF MANUAL ARC WELDING PRACTICE ACHIEVEMENT AND CAREER GUIDANCE ON THE STUDENTS’ ENTREPRENEURSHIP INTEREST %V 2 %J E-Jurnal Pendidikan Teknik Mesin %L UNY19023 %N 3 %A Pribadi Reza Agung %X Abstract The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of manual arc welding practices achievement and career guidance on the students’ entrepreneurship interest. The samples of this ex post facto research were students of X grade of Mechanical Machining Program of Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta Vocational High School. Data were collected using: a) documentation and b) questionnaires. The hypothesis was tested was using product moment correlation and multiple correlation on computer program of SPSS version 20. The analysis result shows that manual arc welding practices achievement and career guidance has positive and significant correlation on entrepreneurship interest with correlation coefficient respectively rx1y = 0,658, dan rx2y = 0,488. Furthermore, manual arc welding practices achievement and career guidance simultaneously has significant and positive relationship on entrepreneurship interest with a correlation coefficient Ry.x1x2 of 0.755. Keywords: Learning Achievement, Manual Arc Welding Practice, Career Guidance, Entrepreneurship Interests