@article{UNY19010, title = {RELATIONSHIP OF MOTIVATION AND INTEREST TO MACHINING LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT}, author = {Winata Alben Sindhu}, journal = {E-Jurnal Pendidikan Teknik Mesin}, number = {3}, volume = {2}, abstract = {Abstract The research goal is to determine the relationship of motivation and interest against machining learning achievement. Correlation method was used with ex-post facto approach. The populations were all of 106 students of 10th grade machining technique department, SMK Dr. Soetomo Temanggung academic year 2013/2014. 84 samples obtain by simple random sampling technique using slovin formula. The data were analyzed using descriptive analysis technique and regression, while the hypothesis was examined by t-test analysis. The results showed that motivation and interest have positive relations with students achievement, respectively following equations Y = 57,576 + 0,382 X1 and Y = 59,318 + 0,362 X2. Furthermore, motivation and interest simultaneously has positive relation with students achievement that follow the equation Y = 53,101 + 0,224 X1 + 0,246 X2. Keywords: Motivation, Interest, Learning achievement, Machining subject}, url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/19010/} }