@article{UNY18998, author = {Romadon Taufik}, title = {EFFECT OF INDUSTRIAL PRACTICE AND WORK MOTIVATION ON VOCATIONAL COMPETENCE TEST}, journal = {E-Jurnal Pendidikan Teknik Mesin}, url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/18998/}, abstract = {Abstract This research aims at determining effect of Industrial Practice and Work Motivation on Competence Test. The variable on this ex-post facto research were Industrial Practice (X1) and Work Motivation (X2) as independent variable, while Result of Test Competence (Y) as dependent variable. This research was conducted on 63 students of Welding Department at SMKN I Sedayu. The data were collected by questionnaire and documentation method and then analyzed by linear and multiple regression. The result shows that Industrial Practice and Work Motivation possitively affecting CompetenceTest with significance respectively 12,1\% and 19,5\%. Furthermore both of them possitively affecting CompetenceTest with significance 24,5\%. Keywords: Industrial Practice, Work Motivation, Test Competence} }