@phdthesis{UNY18439, year = {2014}, school = {Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta}, author = {Hertati Mukadimah}, title = {THE USE OF TALKING CHIPS STRATEGY TO IMPROVE SPEAKING ABILITY OF GRADE XI STUDENTS OF SMAN 1 PENGASIH IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2013/ 2014}, month = {October}, abstract = {The objective of this action research study was to improve the speaking ability of the eleventh grade students of XI IPA 1 class at SMAN 1 Pengasih in the academic year of 2013/ 2014 through the implementation of talking chips strategy. This action was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consisted of two meetings. The research steps are reconnaissance, planning, action, and reflection. The actions consisted of the implementation of talking chips strategy, vocabulary practice, pronunciation practice, the use of classroom English during the teaching and learning process, and the use of media. The researcher worked collaboratively with the English teacher, the collaborator, and the students. The data were obtained from observations, tests, interviews, and discussion with the collaborator and the English teacher. The data were in the forms of vignettes, interview transcripts, sudents? scores, and photographs. The validity of the data was gained through democratic, outcome, process, catalytic, and dialogic validity. To get the trustworthiness, the researcher used a triangulation technique. It was done by gathering data from different point of views, including the students?, the teacher?s, and the collaborator?s. The results of the research show that there is improvement of the students? speaking ability through the implementation of Talking Chips strategy. The students got more chances to speak and their involvement during the teaching and learning process also improved. The students? mean scores showed improvements in all aspects of the speaking skill after the implementation of the actions. The aspects being assessed were pronunciation, fluency, grammar, vocabulary, and interaction.}, keywords = {improving speaking ability, Talking Chips strategy,Grade XI student}, url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/18439/} }