relation: title: The Implementation of Generative Learning With Open-Ended Approach to Improve Mathematics Student Achievements on Muhammadiyah 44 Pamulang creator: Yumiati, Yumiati subject: KNPM 2011 description: The aims of this paper is to present the results of research on the implementation of generative learning with open-ended approach (PGPOE) to improve Mathematics student achievements on SMP Muhammaditah 44 Pamulang. This research is a quasi-experiment with t-test analysist. There are significant differences between the experimental class and the control class on the Mathematics student achievement. The results show the average student achievement of students' in the experimental class (34.7) is higher than the control class (24.2). There are 97% of students who are taught using PGPOE gave positive comments on PGPOE, and there are 41% of students who had not liked to be liked math. Key Word: Mathematics student achievement, generative learning with open-ended approach (PGPOE). publisher: Department of Mathematics Education, Yogyakarta State University date: 2011 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Yumiati, Yumiati (2011) The Implementation of Generative Learning With Open-Ended Approach to Improve Mathematics Student Achievements on Muhammadiyah 44 Pamulang. PROCEEDINGS International Seminar and the Fourth National Conference on Mathematics Education. ISSN 978-979-16353-7-0 relation: