%A Jafrudin Nasser %X This research aims to identify manipulation in American classes’ relation reflected in a novel entitled The Jungle and to explain Sinclair’s criticism toward American capitalism reflected in the novel. The theory of ideological state apparatus and repressive state apparatus by Althusser is used to answer the objectives. The research is qualitative content analysis method was used to analyze the data. The main source of this research is a novel entitled The Jungle by Upton Sinclair. The data are some phrases, clauses, sentences, and expressions related to manipulation and social politic condition in relation to capitalism found in the novel. The data analysis was conducted through six steps: identifying, reading and re- reading, coding and categorizing, and sorting the data, making the interrelation between the description of the data and the theory, and making an interpretation of the findings. To obtain trustworthiness the researcher used four criteria, those are dependability, conformability, transferability, and credibility. The findings of this research in the first objective show that there are manipulations from the ruling class through institutions seen in the total control of the economy, politics, and law as stated by Althusser in his theory. With the capitalism applied in America, the capital owners have more privilege in developing their business. This situation happens because government takes the little participation in the economy. The ruling class people use the politics and law to maximize their profit. On the process of maximizing the profit and controlling the economy through the institutions, working class people with less power have become the victims and it is coherent with the situation in America in 1900s. They are seen as the commodity to support the capital owners’ benefits and no one protect them even the government. For the second objective, Sinclair criticizes American capitalism and introduces the concept of socialism in his novel as the solution of the problems that created by the capitalist people. %L UNY17783 %T SINCLAIR’S CRITICISM TOWARD AMERICAN CAPITALISM IN 1900’s IN THE JUNGLE %D 2015 %I Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta