%0 Thesis %9 S1 %A Vinafari, Juani %B Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris %D 2014 %F UNY:17621 %I Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta %K stylistics, repetition, musical device, dwarfs’ songs, The Hobbit %T A STYLISTIC ANALYSIS OF REPETITION AS A MUSICAL DEVICE IN THE DWARFS’ SONGS IN THE HOBBIT NOVEL BY J.R.R. TOLKIEN %U http://eprints.uny.ac.id/17621/ %X People use musical devices in literary works, especially poetry, for some purposes. It functions to achieve aesthetic effects in those literary works. In addition, it also functions to strengthen the meaning. Therefore, Tolkien also employs some musical devices in his work, especially repetition. Thus, this research aims to describe the types of repetition as a musical device and to find out their functions in the dwarfs’ songs in The Hobbit novel. This research employed descriptive qualitative approach. The data were in the form of stanza taken from the song lyrics by the dwarfs in The Hobbit novel. The main instrument of the study is the researcher herself helped by the secondary instrument, The Hobbit novel and the data sheet. The researcher employed some steps during the data collection: reading the novel, reading the lyrics, making the data sheet, and categorizing the data. In conducting the data analysis, the researcher passed some steps: identifying, classifying and making interpretation. To gain data trustworthiness, the researcher asked triangulators to check the data. Based on Perrine’s classification of types of repetition, the results show that there are eight types of repetition found in the dwarfs’ songs in The Hobbit novel. Some types of repetition: alliteration, assonance, consonance, masculine rhyme, and internal rhyme, occur in all the six songs. Then, internal rhyme occurs in the song number 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Further, slant rhyme occurs in the song number 2 and 4. Then, feminine rhyme occurs in the song number 5. The last, refrain occurs in the song number 1 and 2. In short, the dominant types of repetition maybe the easiest one to be created by composing all of the words related to the dwarfs’ life, and the non dominant types are the defficult ones. After categorizing and interpreting the data, the researcher found that all of the types of repetition function to emphasize certain words. Then, internal rhyme, external rhyme and slant rhyme function to contrast words. Further, internal rhyme and refrain function to reinforce meaning. Over all, all of the functions lead to the reinforcement of the meaning.