%T A PRAGMATIC ANALYSIS OF CONVERSATIONAL IMPLICATURE IN ENGLISH ZONE COURSEBOOK FOR SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS YEAR XI %D 2015 %I Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta %A Hangga Nurzani Adhi %K coursebook, conversational implicature, cooperative principles %X This research aimed at (1) identifying the types of conversational implicature that is used inEnglishZoneCoursebook for senior high school year XI; and (2) describing the implied meanings of the conversational implicature that is used in English Zone Coursebook for senior high school year XI. This research belonged to descriptive qualitative research. The data of the research were in the forms of written text in the English Zone Coursebook in the content of conversational texts. In the research, the quantitative data were also used in the form of number to strengthen the findings. The main instrument of the research was the researcher himself and the secondary instrument was the data sheets. The data were collected by note-taking. In analyzing the data, the researcher used referential methods. The methods were done by identifying and re-examining the data based on the theory of conversational implicature proposed by Yule and Levinson and the theory of cooperative principle proposed by Grice. The validity of the research was gained by doing theory triangulation and doing peer correction with competent friends of English Education Department majoring in linguistics. The research reveals two findings. The first finding is the types of conversational implicature which are applied in English Zone Coursebook. Those are standard conversational implicature and complex conversational implicature. In the application of types of conversational implicature, the coursebook mostly applies standard conversational implicature. The second finding shows the interpretations of the implied meaning of the texts in the coursebook which relies on the context. The interpretations of the implied meaning shows that the texts contain communicative purposes such as requesting, warning, advising, and teasing. %L UNY15927