%X The purpose of this research is knowing the quality of the test item of 1st semester final test of Accounting Theory for Vocational Education in class XII SMK YPKK 1 Sleman Academic Year of 2014/2015 made by the teacher of Accounting Theory for Vocational Education class XII SMK YPKK 1 Sleman. The quality of item based on the validity, reliability, the level of the difficulty, discrimination index, and distractor efficiency. This research uses quantitative approach where explanation using descriptive methods and analysis by using program Item and Test Program Analysis (ITEMAN) version MICROCAT 3.00. Data obtained from documentation, that are test item about 1st Semester Final Test of the accounting theory for vocational education, answer key, lattice, syllabus, and worksheet final test of the testee. The result of this research showed that: (1) valid question were 16 items (40%), invalid question 24 items (60%); (2) reliability whole items did not to effect all of the item quality in the category of low index is 0,533; (3) the question with difficult category are 32 items (80%), 8 items (20%) medium category, and 0 item (0%) to category of easy; (4) poor of item discrimination totaled 13 items (32,5%), enough 14 items (35%), good were 8 items (20%), and 5 items (12,5%) were included in the very good category; (5) based on distractor efficiency very good that the question were 3 items (7,5%), 8 items (20%) had good, enough 15 items (37,5%), bad 10 items (25%), and 4 items (10%) had very bad. The conclusion about this research that the result of item analysis based on validity, the level of difficulty, discrimination index and distractor efficiency have good quality are 8 items (20%), which is less good quality 8 items (20%) and not good quality were 24 items (60%). %A Fatma Dwi Rusmiana %K The Test Item Analysis, Accounting Theory, Final Semester Test %L UNY15530 %T THE TEST ITEM ANALYSIS OF 1ST SEMESTER FINAL TEST OF THE ACCOUNTING THEORY FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION: CASE STUDY OF SMK YPKK 1 SLEMAN ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2014/2015 %D 2015 %I Fakultas Ekonomi UNY