%L UNY1513 %J Cakrawala Pendidikan Edisi Juni 2010 %A Dr Alexon %T PENGEMBANGAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN TERPADU BERBASIS BUDAYA UNTUK MENINGKATKAN APRESIASI SISWA TERHADAP BUDAYA LOKAL %X Developing a Culture-Based Integrated Learning Model to Improve Students’ Appreciation of Local Culture. This study aims to develop a social study learning model for elementary school students that can help them master subject matters as an effort to improve their appreciation of local culture, using an R & D approach consisting of three steps: preliminary study, model development and model validation. The subjects were teachers and students of elementary schools in Bengkulu Province, Sumatra. The results show that the Culture-Based Integrated Learning Model (CBILM) is an appropriate learning model to help students master subject matters as an effort to improve their appreciation of local culture. CBILM is more capable of significantly improving students’ appreciation of local culture and their mastery of subject matters than the currently existing learning model. Keywords: learning model, social studies for elementary schools, culture appreciation %D 2011