%I Fakultas Ekonomi UNY %L UNY14932 %A Luthfi Nuraini %D 2014 %X The type of this research is a classroom action research aimed to improve students' Accounting Learning Activity on the Basic Competence of Financial Statements in Grade X AK 4 at SMK N 1 Klaten Academic Year of 2013/2014 through the implementation of Cooperative Learning Model Type Snowball Throwing. The research was conducted collaboratively and participatory in two cycles. The data collection in this study was done by observation and questionnaires. While the data analysis technique used were qualitative data analysis and descriptive data analysis with quantitative percentage. Qualitative data analysis was done by presenting the data and conclusion formulation, while the descriptive data analysis with quantitative percentage done by describing the qualitative data obtained. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the implementation of Cooperative Learning Model Type Snowball Throwing can improve Students' Accounting Learning Activity of the Grade X AK 4 at SMK N 1 Klaten. This is supported by research data that showed an improve in the indicator of Reading and understanding materials, Taking notes of materials given, Listening to the teacher’s explanation and to group discussion, Being active in asking about the materials which are not yet understood, Doing the assignment/case independently, Helping other students who have difficulties in responding to the material, Enthusiasm to work together in group, Responding to other students’ opinions during class discussion and Active to participate in group works with the implementation of cooperative learning model type Snowball Throwing. In cycle 1 obtained an average score of 65,84% while in the cycle 2 obtained a score of 82,10%, there is an increase in the score of students' Accounting Learning Activity for 16,26%. In addition, based on a questionnaire that have been distributed to the students, it can be concluded that there is an increase in the score of Students' Accounting Learning Activities by 14,52%, from a score of 68,42% in cycle 1 to 82,94% in cycle 2. Keyword: Cooperative Learning Model, Students’ Accounting Learning Activity, Snowball Throwing %T THE IMPLEMENTATION OF COOPERATIVE LEARNING MODEL TYPE SNOWBALL THROWING TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ ACCOUNTING LEARNING ACTIVITYIN GRADE X AK 4 SMK N 1 KLATEN ACADEMIC YEAR 2013/2014