%I Department of Mathematics Education, Yogyakarta State University %J PROCEEDINGS International Seminar and the Fourth National Conference on Mathematics Education %D 2011 %T An Experiment Of Mathematics Teaching Using SAVI Approach And Conventional Approach Viewed From The Motivation Of The Students Of Sultan Agung Junior High School In Purworejo %X The objective of this research is to investigate whether Mathematics teaching using SAVI approach can make better achievement in learning Mathematics than conventional approach viewed from the student’s motivation of Sultan Agung Junior High School in Purworejo on the circle material. This research is a quasi experimental research with 2×3 factorial design. The subject of the research is the 8th-grade students of Sultan Agung Junior High School in Purworejo in the academic year 2010/2011. The sample of this research are 60 students which consist of experimental group and control group. The data were collected by using test of learning achievement in Mathematics and a questionnaire of student’s motivation. The test instruments were validated by expert. In the pre-requisite test, analysis variance precondition test using Liliefors test for normality and Bartlett test for homogeneity test. With ∝ =0,05, samples come from normal distributed population and homogeneous. The hypothesis testing using two-way ANAVA with different cell with α = 0,05. It shows: (1) Fc = 4.378 > Ft = 4.024, it means Mathematics teaching using SAVI approach gives a better achievement in learning Mathematics than using conventional approach; (2) Fc =20.822 > Ft= 3.174, it means the achievement in learning Mathematics of the students who have higher motivation is better than those who have lower motivation; and (3) Fc = 1.617 < Ft = 3.174, it means the difference characteristic between the Mathematics teaching using SAVI approach and conventional approach for every students’ motivation in learning Mathematics is the same. Key Words: Mathematics Teaching, SAVI, Motivation %A Sapti Mujiyem %A Suparwati Suparwati %L UNY1346