@phdthesis{UNY13222, title = {Application of the method of Problem Posing to improve the quality of learning Mathematics Majors of engineering Machinery in SMK Negeri 2 Depok Yogyakarta}, author = {Setiawan Andra}, year = {2014}, school = {Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta}, url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/13222/}, keywords = {Problem Posing, Quasi Eksperiment, Learning Achievement}, abstract = {The final Thesis Assignment research aims to increase student learning achievement knowing the XI Engineering Machining on learning mathematics at SMK Negeri 2 Depok. Research methods used in this research is a method of Quasi Experiment by way of appealing to two groups, the experimental class and the class of the control. The subjects in this study is the grade XI Machining technique of SMK N 2. The students of Class XI TPA as an experimental class of consisting 28 students of Class XI and class as controls comprising TPB 25 student data collection is done using a written test.To see the improvement of student learning achievement results, researchers use test-t to see there or whether a significant increase between the control and the class test result class experiments. Based on objectives, results and discussion can be inferred that: from the results of the value between the control and the class postest class experiment and proved by test-t 2,196 meaning t\_hitung{\ensuremath{>}}t\_tabel with 5\% significant level, there is a significant difference between the control and experimental class and it can be concluded that "There is a difference of achievement Study using the method of Problem Posing is higher than on conventional methods in the subject of mathematics at SMK N 2 Depok". Keywords: Problem Posing, Quasi Eksperiment, Learning Achievement} }