@phdthesis{UNY13215, school = {Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta}, year = {2014}, title = {APPLICATION OF THE METHOD LEARNING TWO STAY TWO STRAY TO IMPROVE PERFORMANCE LEARNING HEALTH AND SAFETY (K3) IN MACHANICHAL ENGINEERING CLASS XI SMK COKROAMINOTO 2 BANJARNEGARA THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2013/2014}, author = {Yulianto Ali Akbar}, abstract = {APPLICATION OF THE METHOD LEARNING TWO STAY TWO STRAY TO IMPROVE PERFORMANCE LEARNING HEALTH AND SAFETY (K3) IN MACHANICHAL ENGINEERING CLASS XI SMK COKROAMINOTO 2 BANJARNEGARA THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2013/2014 By : Ali Akbar Yulianto 09503244034 ABSTRACT The Final research aims to :1 . Know the application of the method of learning two stay two stray can eliminate the tedium of students during learning activities. 2. Know the application of the method of learning two stay two stray can make students active learning in the classroom at the time. 3. Know the difference between the use of learning methods signifigan two stay two stray compared with the use of the lecture method. 4. Know student performance in learning health and safety ( K3 ) by using the method of learning two stay two stray with the application of learning by lecture method. The method used in this study is quasi-experimental method. The data avaible of test is pretest and posttest. The population in this study is were all students is 89 students of class XI Machanical Engineering SMK Cokroaminoto 2 Banjarnegara. Building on sampling using simple random sampling techical. Based on the building sampling class XI TP 1 (32 students) as a control class XI and class TP 2 (32 students) as an experimental class. Test validity is calculated using the product moment correlation test. The result explain that there about 20 of the 25 valid questions and 5 questions that fall. Reliability is calculated with the formula KR - 21, with a coefficient of 0.496 . Data were analysis using t-test. The results analysis by t-test show t count 4.176 {\ensuremath{>}} t hitung 1.696 with significant {\ensuremath{\alpha}} = 0.05 and df 31, the matter this show that are signifigan differences between class experimental and control class. This matter show t count {\ensuremath{>}} t table which mean signifigan between the experimental and control class. The average value of the post-test experimental class students is 85.16 greater than control class with averange value 76.10. This shows the average value of the experimental class students better than the class average value control. This show the use of two stay two stray method can improve learning achievement in the subject of health and safety (K3).}, url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/13215/} }