%J Seminar Nasional Penelitian, Pendidikan, dan Penerapan MIPA 2009 %K K2CH2(SO3)2, NaHCO2, SO3- and CO2- radicals, EPR, radiation dosimetry. %L UNY12252 %X This paper reported the work on electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectrometry of some inorganic materials in radiation dosimetry area. These materials are K2CH2(SO3)2 and NaHCO2. The aim was two: first, to access the EPR spectra measured from the radicals sulphur trioxide anion (SO3-) in γ-irradiated K2CH2(SO3)2 and carbon dioxide anion (CO2-) in γ-irradiated NaHCO2 and to justify whether their performance might approach the similar performance of alanine, a radiation dosimetry standard material. Thus far, the intensity of EPR spectrum of γ-irradiated alanine has been accepted by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) as a secondary standard for high-dose (10-105Gray) dosimetry. Second, to discover a dosimetry material that sensitive enough to function in the “clinical” dose range, that is below 10 Gray. A radiation plant of 60Co Gammacell 220 operates at room temperature was occupied to irradiate the samples. EPR measurement was carried out by a Varian E-12 EPR spectrometer. By using a readout parameter of the peak-to-peak excursion of the strongest line of the systems, some important findings were noted and reported in this paper. %D 2009 %T THE POSSIBLE USE OF K2CH2(SO3)2 AND NAHCO2 AS ALTERNATIVE MATERIALS IN EPR RADIATION DOSIMETRY %A U. Ermawati Frida