%0 Journal Article %@ 978-979-96880-5-7 %A MULYANA, - %D 2009 %F UNY:12209 %J Seminar Nasional Penelitian, Pendidikan, dan Penerapan MIPA 2009 %K Kurs, Stationer, AR process, ARCH process. %T POLA NILAI TUKAR RUPIAH TERHADAP USD BERDASARKAN PROSES ARCH %U http://eprints.uny.ac.id/12209/ %X Kurs rupiah to United State of America dollars (USD), is one indicator for Indonesian govertnement budgeting planning, then goods forecasting models must be building. Have a basis third daily data, from January 24, 2004 to September 26, 2008, accessing from Indonesian Central Bank (BI), thats kurs have models ARCH with orde one.