%J Seminar Nasional Penelitian, Pendidikan, dan Penerapan MIPA 2009 %D 2009 %T PROPAGATION OF 1D ELECTRON WAVE EQUATIONS IN LATTICE SYSTEM %X The propagation of one dimensional electron wave function in periodic potential have been simulated. Gaussian wave function was chose to simulate the wave packet for the electron. The simulation or periodic potential shows that it follows Bloch theorem. Many problems related with the shape of potential are simulated also. Initial energy chose as tested parameter, which correspond to the speed of wave packet and related with the energy of the electron, and its show that for greater energy the spreading of wave packet become slower. The dynamical parameter makes possibilities to evaluate the propagation every time we need. %A Nugroho Fahrudin %A Nurwantoro Pekik %A Artha Kusumaningtyas Dian %L UNY12180