%L UNY12028 %X This study aimed at investigating the kinds of English instructional materials at SMA Takhassus Al-Qur’an Kalibeber, Wonosobo. Additionally, the study also aimed at investigating the instructional materials development. This study is a case study employing the case study model proposed by Hancock and Algozzine which includes setting the stage, determining what the researcher knows, selecting the design, gathering the information, summarizing and interpreting the information, and reporting the findings. The data were collected through observation, interview, questionnaires, and documentation. The data trustworthiness was enhanced by using multiple sources of evidence, creating a case study database, and maintaining a chain of the evidence. The data analysis techniques used in this research were based on the model adapted from Miles and Huberman’s model of data analysis techniques involving collecting data, reducing data, displaying data, and drawing the conclusion. The results of the study are as follows. (1) The kinds of the English instructional materials used at SMA Takhassus Al-Qur’an are the printed, non- printed, and printed non-printed materials (based on the forms) and also the authentic and created materials (based on the authenticity). (2) The English instructional materials development involves developing the instructional objectives, developing the instructional syllabus, organizing the instructional materials into units, developing the structure of the units, and sequencing the units. %A Kafidhoh Khafidhoh %K case study, English, instructional, materials %D 2014 %I UNY %T A Case Study on the English Instructional Materials at SMA Takhassus Al-Qur’an Kalibeber, Wonosobo