<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "Formative Evaluation on Majoe Djaya Instructional Video Produced by Eduartion"^^ . "The objective of this formative evaluation is to determine the validity of Majoe Djaya Video pilot project in the instructional and media aspects. As a formative evaluation, another expected result is a list of revision to be proposed to the decision-makers in revising and improving of this video series. \r\n\r\nThis study uses Ogle formative evaluation method which contains steps as follows: clarifying the product’s purpose, defining the benefits of evaluation, defining the evaluation purpose, determining inquiry in evaluation, planning evaluation, determining criteria, indicators and data sources, developing instruments, submitting evaluation proposal, scheduling appointments for evaluation meetings, conducting the evaluation, managing and analyzing the results, and reporting the results. This method also utilizes Evaluation Express tool to evaluate three of the video series: Bilangan Bulat, Badar and Barung I and Logaritma. Each video is respectively aimed for target users in grades 4, 7, and 10. The evaluation procedures involve expert review, one-to-one user session, small-group user session, field test for the users, and teacher review. There are three instructional media experts and three subject matter experts reviewing the videos. The data collection involved 150 students from SD Jetisharjo, SMP 6, and SMA 9 Yogyakarta in November-December 2012. The instruments that were used consisted of user perception questionnaire, user response, pretest-postest and the interview sheet. \r\n\t\r\n\t The result of the validity determination of Majoe Djaya Video is considered good in both instructional and media aspects, as shown by its mode that is 4 out of 5(using Likert Scale). The use of the video resulted in learning improvement as much as 44.36%, gained from the gain score mean. This video series is feasible for utilization after being revised. The essential revisions for further development of the video are: 1) dividing the video into smaller sections containing subchapters of the materials, 2) providing an explanation containing the purpose of the video to overcome misunderstanding of the video utilization, 3) providing explanations of how to use the video, not only for the users but also for the teachers, 4) providing competency standards written on the video (as video captions) to improve material clarity for users and teachers, and 5) renewing the instructional strategy so that the element of accuracy and entertainment can be appropriate and balanced"^^ . "2013-06-30" . . . "UNY"^^ . . . "Program Pascasarjana, UNY"^^ . . . . . . . . . "erika"^^ . "Oktarini"^^ . "erika Oktarini"^^ . . . . . . "Formative Evaluation on Majoe Djaya Instructional Video Produced by Eduartion (Text)"^^ . . . "tesis-erika-oktarini-11707251012.swf"^^ . . "HTML Summary of #11807 \n\nFormative Evaluation on Majoe Djaya Instructional Video Produced by Eduartion\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "Media Pendidikan" . .