%0 Journal Article %A Helti, Mampouw %A Agung, Lukito %A St., Suwarsono %D 2014 %F UNY:11561 %I Yogyakarta State University %J Proceeding of International Conference On Research, Implementation And Education Of Mathematics And Sciences 2014 %K theory of constructive operators, scheme, multiplication, division %T INTERNALIZATION OF MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION CONCEPTS IN A NEO-PIAGETIAN PERSPECTIVE %U http://eprints.uny.ac.id/11561/ %X In cognitive development context, scheme is conceived as the unit of analysis of cognitive processes. Pascual-Leone as a neo-Piagetian explains cognitive development by combining the information-processing theory and Piagetian theory. In his theory, the Theory of Constructive Operators, Pascual -Leone proposes the scope of scheme and offers operators as constructs schemes. Constructed schemes can explain internalization. This paper describes internalization of multiplication and division concepts is experienced by 9-year-old children, in the theory of constructive operators as a neo-Piagetian perspective.