%0 Journal Article %A Syarif, Abdullah %A Siti, Na’imah %D 2014 %F UNY:11508 %I Yogyakarta State University %J Proceeding of International Conference On Research, Implementation And Education Of Mathematics And Sciences 2014 %K Gram-Schmidt Super Orthogonalization Process and Super Linear Algebra. %T GRAM-SCHMIDT SUPER ORTHOGONALIZATION PROCESS FOR SUPER LINEAR ALGEBRA %U http://eprints.uny.ac.id/11508/ %X Gram-Schmidt Process is a method to transform an arbitrary basis into an orthogonal basis then normalize the orthogonal basis vectors to obtain an orthonormal basis. This process is so important and has many uses in applications of mathematics, particularly linear algebra and numerical analysis. Super linear algebra is an extension of linear algebra, in the which talks about the super matrices, super vectors up to super basis, super orthogonal basis and super diagonalization on a super inner product super spaces. It will be discussed a process to construct an arbitrary basis into an super orthogonal and orthonormal basis for super inner- product super spaces. The modification of the Gram-Schmidt Process to construct an super orthogonal and orthonormal basis, namely Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization Process for Super Super Linear Algebra.