@article{UNY11492, month = {May}, author = {Karyati Karyati and Wutsqa Dhoriva Urwatul}, journal = {Proceeding of International Conference On Research, Implementation And Education Of Mathematics And Sciences 2014}, year = {2014}, title = {THE PROPERTIES OF ORDERED BILINEAR FORM SEMIGROUP IN TERM OF FUZZY QUASI-IDEALS}, publisher = {Yogyakarta State University}, keywords = {bilinear form semigroup, ordered semigroup, fuzzy quasi-ideal , left simple, right simple}, url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/11492/}, abstract = {A bilinear form semigroup is a special semigroup. This semigroup is constructed by an adjoin ordered pair , for is a linear mapping from a vector space into itself and for is a linear mapping from a vector space into itself. In this case, the vector spaces have zero characteristics. An ordered bilinear form semigroup is a bilinear form semigroup includes a partial ordered ? ? such that is a poset and for all with we have and . A fuzzy subset is a mapping from crisp set into a closed interval [0,1]. Let be an ordered semigroup and , we denote . An ordered semigroup is left simple if and only if , is right simple if and only if , for every . In this paper we characterize the ordered bilinear form semigroup in term of fuzzy quasy-ideals. One of these properties said that a level subset of a fuzzy subset of is a quasi- ideal if and only if is a fuzzy quasi-ideal of .} }