%0 Journal Article %A Sri, Poedjiastoeti %D 2014 %F UNY:11452 %I Yogyakarta State University %J Proceeding of International Conference On Research, Implementation And Education Of Mathematics And Sciences 2014 %K critical thinking, character, chemistry %T IMPROVING STUDENTS’ CRITICAL THINKING AND CHARACTER SKILL THROUGH CHEMSISTRY LECTURE %U http://eprints.uny.ac.id/11452/ %X The aims of this research are to develop learning kit to improve characters and critical thinking skills of students. This research is designed based on research and development model (R & D) and focused on development, and limited trial. Instruments used are validation sheet for lesson plan/Satuan Acara Perkuliahan (SAP), assessment sheet of accomplished SAP, observation sheet of student activity, observation sheet of character skill, abservation sheet of self assessment character skill, and quetionarre sheet of students’ respon. Validation sheet is analyzed using Likert scale, and the others are analyzed using descriptive method. The results show that learning kit for Stoichiometry in General Chemistry lecture feasible to use and can improve students’ criticalthinkingskill, butnot so significant. Thatisrelevanttostudents’ activity record that shows lack of askingactivity. Therefore, goodcharáctershowedbyallstudentsduringthelecture.