%K IQF, Level 6, biology, chemistry, and physics education %X Indonesian goverment released Presidential decree number 8 year 2012 on Indonesian Qualification Framework (IQF). The IQF will have impacts on several areas in educational system, including curriculum in higher education, standard of competences of workers, and wages system in Indonesia. The curriculum of higher education must adopt this IQF as a framework, in which the undergraduate students must achieve level 6 of the IQF, level 7 for professions like teachers, level 8 and 9 for graduate and postgraduate. The level 6 of the IQF consists of five generic competence, one of them is about character and the other four are related to the field of study. The IQF’s generic competences must be describe more detail as learning outcomes (LO) to guide universities to redevelop their curriculum. The problem is, the decription of the IQF level 6 not available yet. This research aims to develop LO derived from the IQF level 6 for biology education, chemistry education, and physic education. The respondent consists of 87 science teachers, 54 lecturers, and 180 undergraduate students from five higher education institutions in Indonesia. The results of the research is the accepted LO. %A Prasetyo Zuhdan Kun %A Suyanto Slamet Raharjo %A Senam Senam %L UNY11387 %I Yogyakarta State University %D 2014 %J Proceeding of International Conference On Research, Implementation And Education Of Mathematics And Sciences 2014 %T INDONESIAN QUALIFICATION FRAMEWORK (IQF) LEVEL 6 FOR BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE EDUCATION