eprintid: 11385 rev_number: 6 eprint_status: archive userid: 3 dir: disk0/00/01/13/85 datestamp: 2014-11-06 08:55:12 lastmod: 2014-11-06 08:55:12 status_changed: 2014-11-06 03:53:12 type: article metadata_visibility: show creators_name: Yosi Laila, Rahmi creators_name: Saefudin, Saefudin creators_name: Widi, Purwianingsih title: THE IMPLICATION OF ISLAMIC CHARACTER EDUCATION AND MINANGKABAU CULTURE TO BIOLOGICAL LEARNING ACHIVEMENT ispublished: submitted subjects: BIO14 divisions: fmipa_jurdik_biologi_pend_bio full_text_status: public keywords: Islamic Character Education, Minangkabau Culture, Biologi Learning Achievement abstract: The decline of the nation character is a negative impact of globalization which become a common task that must be solved. Character education program is one solution to overcome the moral degradation at educational institutions. Indonesian society still holds eastern culture and puts the local culture as a strategy to realize the educational character. The aims of this study were: (1) to analyze the implementation of Islamic character education based on Minangkabau culture in one of the best senior high schools in West Sumatra; (2) to describe the implications of Islamic character education based on Minangkabau culture to biological learning achivement. The approach used was a descriptive, specifically case study. Data were collected through observation, interviews, questionnaires, documentation studies. The results showed that (1) the implementation of Islamic character education based on Minangkabau culture consisted of: values based school culture and school activity program; (2) the success of character education was influenced by Minangkabau culture; (3) Islamic character education gave positive impact to student character and biological learning achivement. date: 2014-05 date_type: submitted publication: Proceeding of International Conference On Research, Implementation And Education Of Mathematics And Sciences 2014 publisher: Yogyakarta State University refereed: TRUE official_url: http://fmipa.uny.ac.id referencetext: Agustian, AG (2001). Secrets of Success Building Emotional Intelligence and Spiritual ESQ . Jakarta: Arga. Beit, Hallahmy & Argyle. (1997). The Psichology of Religious, brassiere v iour, Belief and Experience. First edition, Routledge: London. Bilgrami, HH and Ashraf, SA (1989). The concept of Islamic University (transleting). Yogyakarta: Tiara Discourse. BSNP. (2006). Standards Content Subjects SMA / MA . Jakarta: Ministry of Education. De Porter, B. and Hernacki, M. (2001). Quantum Learning: Learning Allowing Convenient and Fun . Bandung: Kaifa. Hulusi, A. (2006). Directed Brain Waves. http://www.ahmedhulusi.org/ . ( Online) . Accessed on June 19, 2013. Events Calendar. (2010). Designs Master Character education . Jakarta: Ministry of Education Research and Cultural. Curriculum Center. (20, 11). Implementation Guide Character Education . Jakarta: Ministry of Education Research and Cultural. Slameto, (2003). Learning and Affecting Factors . New York: Rineka. Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2003. National Education System . citation: Yosi Laila, Rahmi and Saefudin, Saefudin and Widi, Purwianingsih (2014) THE IMPLICATION OF ISLAMIC CHARACTER EDUCATION AND MINANGKABAU CULTURE TO BIOLOGICAL LEARNING ACHIVEMENT. Proceeding of International Conference On Research, Implementation And Education Of Mathematics And Sciences 2014. (Submitted) document_url: http://eprints.uny.ac.id/11385/1/BE17-Yosi%20Laila%20Rahmi.pdf