%0 Generic %A Sugiyanto, Fx %F UNY:106 %T PENYUSUNAN RATING MATAKULIAH DASAR GERAK RENANG BAGI MAHASISWA S1 PENDIDIKAN KEPELATIHAN OLAHRAGA FAKULTAS ILMU KEOLAHRAGAAN UNIVERSITAS NEGERI YOGYAKARTA %U http://eprints.uny.ac.id/106/ %X This research study is aimed at developing standard tests to measure 100-meter-crawl-style swimming techniques and abilities, 50-meter-breaststroke-style swimming techniques and abilities, live-guard swimming, diving, and floating for the students of Faculty of Sport Science which are valid, reliable, objective, and normalized. This is a research and development. The subjects of this research were the students of Faculty of Sport Science majoring coaching education who took the swimming basic movement subject in the academic year of 2005-2006. The number of the subjects were 102 students. The data collecting methods used in this research were tests and measurement. The data were analyzed by the inter rater, content validity, and correlation. The result of this research was in the form of 18 rating scale items which were divided into 5 tests, (1) the test of 100-meter-crawl-style swimming which consisted of 7 rating scale items: (a) body position in crawl style, (b) downward movement of the legs in crawl style, (c) inward arm movement phases in crawl style, (d) the arm pushing movement in crawl style, (e) the arm recovery movement in crawl style, (f) breathing in crawl style, and (g) effectiveness and efficiency movement in crawl style; (2) the technique and ability in 50-meter-breaststroke-style swimming which consisted of 7 rating scale items: (a) body position in breaststroke style, (b) downward movement of the legs in crawl style, (c) gliding arm movement phases in breast stroke style, (d) the arm pulling movement in breaststroke style, (e) the arm recovery movement after pulling in breaststroke style, (f) breathing in breast stroke style, and (g) effectiveness and efficiency movement in breaststroke style; (3) live-guard swimming which consisted of 2 rating scale items: (a) the leg movement in live-guard swimming, and (b) the holding technique; (4) diving which consisted of 2 rating scale items: (a) body positioning in upward and downward movement in diving, and (b) the arm and leg movement in diving; (5) floating which consisted of 1 rating scale item: (a) the arm and leg movement when floating. The quality of the instruments was demonstrated in the validity, reliability, and objectivity. The validity in this research was measured by 3 judges using criteria and content validity. The reliability coefficient was measured using Spearman. The reliability index of the whole scale was 0.934. The reliability indexes of crawl style, breaststroke style, live-guard swimming, diving, and floating were 0.893, 0.875, 0.842, 0.821, and 0.812 subsequently. The objectivity among the judges was measured using correlation between judges. The correlation between judge I and judge II was 0.829. The correlation between judge II and judge III was 0.824. The correlation between judge I and judge III was 0.848. Based on the values of correlation, it could be determined that the three judges possessed high correlation so that the judges provided objective ratings. There were 9 mark categories involving A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, and K. The result of this study showed that only 1 student was categorized in A, 3 students in A-, 6 students B+, 9 students in B, 11 students in B-, 12 students in C+, 16 students in C, 6 students is D, and 37 students were categorized in K. Based on the results of this research, this tests could be used to measure the achievement in learning swimming basic movements for the students of Faculty of Sport Science, Yogyakarta State University. Key words: rating scale, Swimming Basic Movements