%I UNY %L UNY1040 %X The purpose of this research to determine the general overview, the effectiveness and the constraint encountered in the management of teachers quality resource improvement at vocational high school based on International standard in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. This is a descriptive research. The research was conducted at three vocational high school based on international standard in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, that is SMK N 1 Bantul, SMK N 2 Wonosari, and SMK N 2 Pengasih. Research carried out starting from the date of 19 September 2011 until 19 December 2011. The data source is a teachers at the school consists of three teachers in each majors. Instrument in this study were semi-closed questionnaire. Techniques of data collection conducted by questionnaires and unstructured interviews. The quantitative data analyzed using descriptive statistical techniques, while qualitative data analyzed with qualitative descriptive. In management of teachers quality resource improvement at vocational high school based on International standard in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, consist of 5 process / stages: 1) Recruitment, 2) Selection Process (filtering), 3) Placement/Assignment process, 4) Assessment / Evaluation performance, and 5) career development of teachers. Generally not implemented properly , especially in the recruitment and selection of new teachers. Seen from the three vocational high school based on international standard which researched, there is only one school that do their own recruitment and selection process, even only a limited to non-permanent teachers. Whereas for the placement process, evaluation and career development is still considered less effectively implemented by the school. Constraints that often encountered in the recruitment and selection process is was still conducted in full by the district government / city government. Constraints in the placement process, the assessment process, and career development is a lack of school budgets, mistake of placement by the district government / local government, as well as technical and non technical constraints. Keyword : management, teachers resource, vocational high school base on international standard %T MANAGEMENT OF TEACHERS QUALITY RESOURCE IMPROVEMENT AT VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL BASED ON INTERNATIONAL STANDARD IN YOGYAKARTA %D 2012 %A Saputra Habib