@phdthesis{UNY10197, year = {2013}, school = {Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta}, title = {THE INFLUENCE OF PARENTS ATTENTION, ATTITUDE DISCIPLINE LEARN AND STUDENT CREATIVITY WITH STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT GRADE XII ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING SKILL PROGRAM AT SMKN 3 YOGYAKARTA ACADEMIC YEAR 2012/2013}, author = {Nur Cahyono Bangun Ari}, abstract = {This study aimed to determine: (1) the influence of parents attention, attitude discipline learn, student creativity with student achievement grade XII electronics engineering skill program at smkn 3 yogyakarta academic year 2012/ 2013. (2) factor influentialer between parents attention, attitude discipline learn, student creativity with student achievement grade XII electronics engineering skill program at smkn 3 yogyakarta academic year 2012/ 2013. This research is a study of ex-post facto and descriptive korelasional with approach quantitative. Subject in this research is student of grade xii electronics engineering skill program at smkn 3 yogyakarta academic year 2012/ 2013 amount of 69 students. Data taking method uses documentation method and kuesioner. Instrument validity is done to pass expert judgment and grain analysis that counted with correlation formula product moment. reliabilitas instrument is counted by using formula alpha cronbrach. Analysis rules test covers normality test, linearity test and multikolinearity test. Data analysis technique that worn to test hypothesis with double regression analysis technique 3 predictor in standard significance 5 \% and look for big effective contribution or relative from each variable. The result shows that: (1) found positive influence and siginificant between parents attention, attitude discipline learn and student creativity according to together with student achievement grade XII electronics engineering skill program at smkn 3 yogyakarta academic year 2012/ 2013. This matter is showed with coefficient r = 0,506, r count bigger than r table (0,506 {\ensuremath{>}} 0,235). (2) factor influential dominant towards student achievement was student creativity. This matter is based on relative contribution (sr) that is got from parents attention as big as 44,5\%, attitude discipline learn as big as 5,1\% and student creativity as big as 50,9\%. while effective contribution magnitude (se) 25,6\% with parents attention details 11,592\%, attitude discipline learn 1,3056\% and student creativity 12,902\%. Keywords: parents attention, attitude discipline student, student creativity.}, url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/10197/} }